Hello everyone, and welcome back to: Your Weekly Dose! Today is Friday, October 20,2023 and we are going right back to our FARMily introductions and this time we will be featuring our staff FARMacist: Allison! Allison is a dedicated part of our team and just recently celebrated her ONE YEAR HERE! Before we get started on Allison and her HERD of pets, I just wanted to remind everyone that there's just about a week and a half left on this months SPECIALS: Trick or Treat with Trifexis and Credelio for the Creepy Crawlies! This month Trifexis and Credelio are buy 5 get 1 free or buy 10 get 2 free! Be sure to check those out before its too late!
And now, Allison!

Staff FARMacist: Allison!!
- What is your name and title? It’s me. Hi. I’m Allison. It’s me. I am a FARMacist.
- How long have you been a pharmacist? 9.25 years
- Tell me a little bit about yourself. I graduated from Clemson in 2011 and then the South Carolina College of Pharmacy at USC in 2014. I am 100% a Clemson fan though. Go Tigers! I love traveling and experiencing new things. I recharge by relaxing and spending time with my animals and my family. I am always down for chips and dips, drinks, and a spa day.
- What’s the most inspiring part of your job? I love how I am able to combine my love for animals with my passion for pharmacy.
- How many pets do you have and tell me a little bit about them? My zoo consists of 3 dogs, 5 cats, and a small flock of chickens. Finley is a Dalmation/Blue Tick mix and a big goof ball who loves to run. Lucy is a rescued Catahoula/Beagle/Pit mix who is content with belly rubs and extra treats. Lyla is an American Eskimo/Pomerian/Husky mix who I adopted this year from PETSinc and she is the happiest puppy you’ve ever met. I rescued Marty and Milo as a pair 9 years ago and they are inseparable. Olivia identifies as a fluffy princess and he decided I was going to adopt him 6 years ago. Bella is 4 years old and a complete diva who makes demands, not suggestions. Dodge was named after being rescued from a truck 2 years ago and is just the sweetest kitty in the world. My chickens are Foggy, Winston, Henrietta, Bunny, Diana, Heather, Britney, Violet, and Hennifer. They keep me supplied with fresh eggs and the cutest clucks.
- How do you want people to remember you? Authentic, funny, and someone others can always count on
- If you were a pasta shape, what shape would you be and why? I would be pastina because I shine so bright, like a star. *wink*
- If animals could talk, which one would be the rudest and why? The honey badger, because well we all know that “honey badger don’t care.”
- Tell me three pet peeves: I am not a fan of unsolicited advice (especially from strangers), people who are rude to retail/service industry workers, or the fact that I cannot take home every animal I desire.
- Who is your favorite fictional/cartoon animal character? Totoro

Milo and Marty






That's all for this time.
Thanks everyone for tuning in to Your Weekly Dose. We will FARMacy you next time!